Why is it dangerous to ignore Windows, Android, and iOS updates?

June 10, 2024  16:06

Updating the software is the main aspect of stable and safe operation of computers, mobile and other electronic devices, Natalya Golitsina, head of the telephony department of the MTS retail network, told Gazete.ru, speaking about the importance of updating the software.

Golitsina singled out several main reasons for regularly updating devices. The first is to improve the functions of the device. New software versions often include additional features that improve the interface and increase performance.

Second, updates ensure that programs work correctly with new software and services.

Third, in industries where there are strict security and compliance standards, software updates help maintain them.

Fourth, software updates help eliminate vulnerabilities that attackers can use to gain access to user data.

How to update software on different devices?

For Windows computers, updates are provided through Windows Update. To do this, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, then select "Update and security", then search for updates.

For Mac, updates can be obtained by visiting System Preferences, then Software Update. iOS updates for iPhone and iPad can be installed by going to Settings –> General –> Software Update. For Android devices, updates can be obtained by going to Settings -> System Update or About Software -> Software Update.

“Smart home devices, such as smartwatches and TVs, are usually updated through the Settings menu or through a mobile app on a smartphone. To update the software of a router or other devices over Wi-Fi, it is usually necessary to access the device's web interface and follow the software update procedure according to the instructions,” Golitsina added.

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