How to minimize the reduction in Internet speed due to the use of a VPN?

May 23, 2024  18:18

When using a VPN, Internet speed can drop by an average of 10-20%. Some life hacks, however, can help minimize this problem.

Why does your internet speed slow down due to VPN?

  • Encryption and decryption. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic before it is sent and decrypt it when it arrives at its destination. The encryption process adds an additional step that may take some time, especially for resource-intensive encryption protocols.
  • Distance to VPN server. The further you are from the VPN server you are connecting to, the longer it takes to transfer data back and forth. This can increase latency (ping) and slow down the Internet, especially if you play online games or are on a video conference.
  • Server load. If the VPN server you are connected to is overloaded with users, it may slow down your connection speed. Choosing a less overloaded server can help solve this problem.

The impact of connecting to a VPN on speed may vary depending on factors such as your base internet speed and specific encryption protocols. The VPN provider can also play a role here - not all are created equal.

What can you do to minimize the impact of a VPN on your internet speed?

  • Connect to the nearest server. Select a VPN server located in your country or nearby region.
  • Upgrade your internet plan. If your internet speed is slow to begin with, a VPN can make it even slower. If possible, try upgrading your tariff plan.
  • Choose a lighter encryption protocol. If speed becomes a major issue, consult your VPN provider about using a lighter encryption protocol that provides a good balance between security and speed.

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