With today's mortgage interest rates, banks simply cannot sell products in 2025: Interview with Vardan Marutyan

July 23, 2024  11:18

Today, many people are interested in the real estate market, because many people want to buy or sell an apartment. Lately, there has been a lot of interest in housing prices, construction delays, problems related to obtaining loans, opportunities for obtaining loans.

How is this sector developing in Armenia, what trends are there in the market, what are the newly emerging reasons and motivations for the increase in demand in the real estate market, does the municipality take into account the requirements of urban planning when issuing building permits, where will the development of the sector go in the next five or ten years, are mortgage rates on the rise or vice versa, and ultimately, what should a buyer look for when choosing a developer?

Suren Parsyan, the author of the EconoMIX program, talked about all this with Vardan Marutyan, the first deputy general director of the ML Mining company.

Watch the full interview below.


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