$70 device can remotely collect data, passwords from iPhones

August 18, 2023  10:22

Cybersecurity researchers have tested a new device that can remotely harvest data from iPhones, including user passwords. This raises serious questions about the security of personal data.

This innovative pocket device was first introduced at Def Con, one of the world’s largest hacking conferences, TechCrunch reports. Event attendees with iPhones began receiving pop-up messages offering to sign in with their Apple ID or transfer the password to a nearby Apple TV.

Researcher Jae Bochs confirmed that this hacking device works exactly like this; it impersonates Apple TV and confuses users to extract their passwords. It connects to smartphones via Bluetooth, which most iPhone owners almost always have turned on automatically. The hacking device was hidden in a bag and moved throughout the event, enabling the device gain access to the data of iPhone owners.

To create this device, the hacker used a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W minicomputer, two antennas, a Bluetooth adapter compatible with the Linux operating system, and a portable battery. The total cost of this device was only about 70 dollars. In addition, the operating range of the device reaches 15 meters.

This study has drawn attention to how vulnerable smartphones can be. That's why it's so important to always monitor security settings on devices like Bluetooth to minimize the risks of remote access to personal data.

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