How to extend your smartphone's life? 7 useful tips

June 17, 2024  16:26

If you regularly clear the cache, use only branded chargers, and remember to keep your device free of dust and dirt, your phone can last much longer. What else can be done to extend the life of a smartphone? The head of the telephony department of the MTS retail network, Natalya Golitsyna, shared useful tips about this.

1. Regularly deleting the cache

Regularly deleting the cache helps free up device memory and prevent malfunctions. The accumulated cache can slow down your smartphone and lead to various errors. Golitsyna, in an interview with RIA Novosti, advised regularly clearing the cache to maintain stable operation of all applications.

2. Use original chargers

To maintain battery performance, it is very important to use only branded chargers. Non-original chargers may cause overheating and damage to the battery. Golitsyna also advises using the battery calibration feature on Android devices to maintain optimal charge levels.

3. Cleaning from dust and dirt

The smartphone must be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt. Contaminants can penetrate inside the device, which ultimately leads to breakdowns. Regular cleaning, especially of ports and connectors, will help avoid these problems.

4. Using a dark theme

The dark theme not only reduces eye strain, but also saves battery power by reducing the need for screen backlighting. This is especially useful for devices with OLED displays, where dark pixels consume significantly less power.

5. Application optimization

Optimizing applications includes closing unused programs and regularly updating used applications to the latest versions. This helps reduce system load and increase overall device performance.

6. Protective accessories

Quality protective accessories such as cases and screen protectors play an important role in maintaining the appearance and functionality of your smartphone. They protect the device from accidental drops, scratches and other damage.

7. Regular data backup

Regular data backup is important to prevent information loss. In the event of a device failure or loss, a backup copy will help you quickly restore all important data and settings.

By following these simple recommendations, you can significantly extend the life of your smartphone and keep it in excellent condition for a long time.

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