Picsart becomes most searched word for photo editing in the App Store: Hovhannes Avoyan

February 12, 2024  12:26

Picsart has become the most searched term for photo editing on the App Store in major markets such as the US, UK, France, Germany, India and Japan (2nd place), surpassing even general terms such as "edit ", "collage" and "photo", Picsart founder Hovhannes Avoyan wrote about this on his Linkedin page.

“What does this mean? Picsart is becoming a synonym for photo editing! Editing isn't for pros anymore – it's for everyone. And we're making powerful tools accessible to all. Photoshop it?" So yesterday! Now it's "Picsart it!" time,” he wrote.

Hovhannes Abovyan also deeply thanked for the data presented. “And most importantly, to our incredible users – your ideas inspire us! Let's continue making the world a more creative place, one edit at a time,” he added.

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