Apple files patent to make iPhone with interchangeable cameras

June 24, 2024  16:30

The American technology corporation Apple has filed a patent application for a new concept of rear panels for iPhone, allowing users to install additional modules such as cameras and health sensors into their smartphones.

According to 9to5Mac, the patent application describes a mechanism using a spring clamp system to securely attach interchangeable covers.  

Among the possible functions that can be integrated into these rear covers are additional batteries, health sensors including glucose monitors, and additional cameras with various capabilities. Thus, Apple aims to provide users with greater versatility without compromising the form factor of the iPhone.

However, it is worth noting that filing a patent application does not guarantee the implementation of this idea in future iPhone models. But it does indicate that the company is actively working on innovative solutions for its products.

The new iPhone model – the iPhone 16 – will be introduced in the fall of 2024. It is expected to feature an improved camera and deep AI integration.

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