Scientists create analogue of X-ray vision for smartphones: Safe technology allows to see through various obstacles

June 18, 2024  16:48

Researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas, together with scientists from Seoul National University, have developed a revolutionary microchip that can be integrated into smartphones and used to view objects through various obstacles using terahertz radiation.

Principle of operation

According to CBS News, the new technology uses frequencies between 200 and 400 GHz and does not involve harmful X-ray radiation. The chip generates waves in the electromagnetic spectrum from 0.1 THz (100 GHz) to 10 THz, which allows safe and effective penetration through various obstacles such as fog, dust and other types of interference that typically interfere with optical light.

The technology used allows the beams to penetrate obstacles, and the waves reflected from objects return to the microchip. Special pixels capture these signals and create a visual image. This makes it possible to create high-quality images of objects behind opaque materials.

Testing and results

During tests of the new technology, the researchers were able to create images of objects such as a USB key, a blade, an integrated circuit and a plastic washer that were located just one centimeter from the chip. The current scanning distance is 10 mm, but in the future the team plans to increase it to 12.7 cm, which will significantly expand the application of this technology.

Prospects for use

Developing a safe analogue of X-ray vision for smartphones opens up many prospects: such technology can be used in various fields, including security, medicine and industry. In the future, thanks to improvements, we can expect smartphones with integrated terahertz scanning capabilities to appear on the market, making them even more versatile and functional.

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