How to avoid smartphone overheating in hot weather? Expert advice

July 4, 2024  20:11

In high temperatures during the summer, smartphones heat up more quickly due to impaired natural heat dissipation, which can lead to malfunctions. Natalia Golitsyna, head of the telephony department at the MTS retail network, shared tips with Gazeta.Ru on how to care for your smartphone in the heat.

Firstly, according to the expert, devices should be protected from direct sunlight. Lying on a sun lounger or on the ground in the open air, a smartphone will quickly and significantly heat up, which is more likely to lead to its breakdown. Additionally, when using a smartphone intensively in the sun, it is recommended to take breaks or use special cooling accessories. For example, there are cooling cases with fans.

"If you don't have such a case, it's better to temporarily not use protective accessories at all, so as not to complicate natural heat dissipation. Do not cover the device with fabrics, thick cases, or other items that can hinder air circulation around the smartphone," said Golitsyna.

At the same time, it's important to limit the use of energy-consuming applications, such as games, video editing programs, or the camera. These put a high load on the processor and battery and accelerate the heating of the smartphone.

According to Golitsyna, following these recommendations will help avoid not only overheating and rapid battery drain but also extend the lifespan of the smartphone.

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