Armenia is in a very exciting reform period in science and seeks to get closer to EU: Florian Frank

June 28, 2024  20:13

Every day, Armenia seeks to get closer to the European Union, and this also means that it should be able to meet the requirements of the European Union's research sector, Florian Frank, the head of the department for cooperation with Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, Central Asia and other countries of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, told in the sidelines of a two-day event entitled "Armenia-Germany Science Day" held in Yerevan.

"We are very proud that thanks to our cooperation, in recent years we have been able to take a step forward to reach this common point where we can cooperate within the framework of European projects," he says, adding that the scientific community of Armenia and Germany has more than 30 years of experience in cooperation, and now 20 researchers from Germany have arrived in Armenia as part of the German delegation to discuss future opportunities.

Scope of cooperation

According to Florian Frank, the joint projects concern such areas as climate and environment, healthcare, and the IT sector. This year alone, five new research projects have started between Armenia and Germany.

“Armenia is in a very interesting and exciting reform period. I've been told that there will be a reform of the academia system and there have been projects, European funded projects dealing with this reform. But mainly I'm astonished about the fact that the government has been able to double the investment in research and innovation in just a few years …It is really very impressive,” he said, adding that what is equally impressive the Academic City project and how it is being discussed, including in the media.

“I think whatever you think about the actual strategy, just the fact that the people and the public are discussing about such a huge investment in science and innovation and, this is so high, high on the political agenda is a very good sign for the future of science and innovation in Armenia whatever will take place”, he said.

Florian Frank says it is normal that there other views and criticism that science will not benefit from changes in the academic field, because according to him, regardless of everything, it is always good that there is a debate about science. "It is always necessary to involve the society in the discussion, to open a discussion about science... Science needs investment and support. And I think it's great that this is being discussed in your country," he said.

How does Germany improve the academic system?

It all starts with funding, he says, then people are given the opportunity to do research, given the freedom to do what they want. In Germany, the state provides only 1/3 of science funding, the rest comes from the private sector. "This is a healthy ratio because we cannot do it alone as a government," he says.

According to him, Germany is now at a stage where demography can cause some difficulties for the university system, because the birth rate is decreasing, which means that there will be fewer young people with good education. Therefore, it is necessary to think and rethink the entire educational system.

I think the most important thing is that the people stay open for new things, for innovation that they are willing to do experiments like the people in Armenia. Well, I have at least the feeling you're eager to, to develop new things to see the world with new eyes and to find new solutions. And this is the most important thing you can have,” he added.

Sustainable development and climate

Florian Frank notes that in recent years their research has been more focused on the development of sustainability, climate change. According to him, in the face of climate change, science must do its part so that society and politicians can take necessary steps to ensure sustainable life on Earth.

“We have to adapt to this climate change. We have to put on the brakes so that it's not developing every time quicker. So we we need the renewable energy. We need new forms of energy connectivity. We need new ways of producing food. We need new methods to clean our water well,” he said.

According to him, it is very important for researchers to work together in order to contribute to maintaining the conditions necessary for life on the planet Earth, and for humanity to continue to exist.

“I think this is the most important part. This is the task we expect the researchers to deliver, to give us instruments in order to handle the problems, the challenges that society is facing, because society is funding research and they expect something,” he said.

Florian Frank is also impressed by how many articles Armenian scientists publish in internationally recognized and highly cited journals. "We have to hope that this will continue," he noted.

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