How can iOS 17 users install apps bypassing the App Store?

June 17, 2024  22:16

iOS 17 users can bypass the security system and install applications outside the App Store. This was reported by the iGuides Telegram channel with reference to the TrollStore developers.

The TrollStore utility, which exploits the CoreTrust vulnerability in iOS, allows users to install applications in the “.ipa” format, bypassing the official App Store and alternative application stores available in the EU.

Previously, TrollStore could only be installed on devices with iOS up to version 15.4.1 inclusive. However, the developers reported that the utility was now successfully installed on devices with iOS 17.0 and iPadOS 17.0.

Features and Availability:

  • Application installation: TrollStore allows you to install applications outside the App Store thanks to the CoreTrust vulnerability.
  • Compatibility: Until recently, the utility only supported devices up to iOS 15.4.1. Compatibility has now been extended to iOS 17.0 and iPadOS 17.0.

Future of updates: The developers are confident that in the near future it will be possible to expand compatibility with new versions of Apple's OS.

At the moment, TrollStore for iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 is not publicly available, but its release is expected in the near future.

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