Powerful explosion occurres at SpaceX test site (video)

May 24, 2024  17:18

A powerful explosion occurred during the ground test of a rocket engine at the SpaceX test site in Texas, Tweaktown.com reports.

The explosion occurred during one of the last static tests of the Raptor engine at the test station in McGregor. An anomaly in the engine caused first the first explosion and then the second. Presumably, the second explosion occurred due to fuel vapor accumulated in the air. 

SpaceX has not provided any information regarding the incident. Such situations are common for the company. According to the source, it is likely that none of the SpaceX crew was injured because they were at a safe distance from the test site at the time of the explosion.

The Raptor engines are to be used in the giant Starship rocket, which is the tallest and most powerful rocket in history and is planned for use in lunar exploration and missions to Mars. It is for this purpose that SpaceX thoroughly tests the engines.

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