ESA publishes first scientific photos of Euclid space telescope

May 24, 2024  20:22

The first scientific works of the Euclid space telescope on the early period of sky observations have been published. Created by the European Space Agency (ESA), this device presents space in a new light. Its instruments capture both visible and infrared light at the same time, allowing for high-quality images at depths of up to 10 billion light years. These kinds of details are key to understanding dark matter and dark energy.

EEA has already shown all the images of the newly presented space objects last year. However, if at that time they were presented in the form of a quick review, today everything is confirmed by a sound scientific analysis. And these aren't just works looking for signs of dark matter and dark energy. Euclid's high sensitivity in the extended light absorption range, as well as a wider field of view than the Hubble and James Webb telescopes, allow this new instrument to make many other discoveries. For example, the telescope is capable of detecting dimly-appearing objects such as wandering planets and brown dwarf planets.

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Galaxy NGC 6744 with star formation belts

But Euclid's main task is to find and map the accumulation of dark matter in the universe and to study the evolution of its accumulation over time, which will provide clues and help evaluate such inexplicable phenomena as dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Strong gravitational lensing will allow us to reveal the volumes and masses of dark matter, and weak gravitational lensing will allow us to follow the evolution of "dark clumps" over the course of 10 billion years of the universe's evolution. Euclid's wide field of view will make it possible to do this with maximum accuracy for today.

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The Messier 78 nebula with details of the star-forming region

By 2030, Euclid is expected to produce a detailed map of the distribution of dark matter over time across the universe, covering about 30% of the sky. By then, it will be joined by NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Wide-Angle Space Telescope and China's Xuntian. These instruments will fill in the gaps in Euclid's observations, which are inevitable for any instrument.

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