What language do most hackers in the world speak?

June 16, 2023  22:23

The majority of hackers in the world speak Chinese and Russian, said Yevgeny Kaspersky, head of Kaspersky Lab.

“Most of all professional and non-professional evildoers speak Chinese. In the second place is Russian, and then, it's hard to say, probably Spanish, Portuguese," he said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to him, it is not about Spain, but about Latin America. Judging by the cases of arrests and investigations, it can be concluded that there are quite a lot of hackers in Latin America.

The list of most popular languages among hackers also includes Turkish and Broken English. Kaspersky noted that in the latter case, it is more difficult to determine the identity of the attackers, since "anyone" can speak broken English.

It should be noted that today there are hackers in almost all countries of the world. For example, recently a Dutch hacker stole and sold the data of almost all residents of Austria. And Russian and Belarusian hackers broke into the US tax service system and stole 198 million lines of data, including usernames and passwords. In most cases, however, it is not possible to find out which country the hackers are from.


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