What kind of opportunities are there in Armenia to do business? The guest of EconoMIX is Gagik Makaryan

July 2, 2024  14:18

The guest of this edition of the EconoMIX program is Gagik Makaryan, the president of the Union of Employers of Armenia, the head of Center for Social-Economic Development LLC. This program focuses on the business environment in Armenia, the current investment situation and the ways of improving it.

Gagik Makaryan says that in order to carry out entrepreneurial activity, the primary thing is not money, but having entrepreneurial skills, a certain courage to make decisions and in some cases to take risks, then the environment and then only finances and other components.

According to him, many people in Armenia aspire to do business and the presence of a large number of micro-enterprises is a proof of this, and the economic structure of Armenia is determined to a certain extent by small, medium and large businesses.

According to Gagik Makaryan, business in Armenia is sometimes tiring, unfortunately. "Cooperation with the business environment and state bodies, various inspections, changes in the laws of the business environment often take away significant resources from the business, tire it ... They [businessmen - ed.] waste so much time on solving these problems that there is no time left to engage in entrepreneurship," he says.

You can watch the interview in Armenian below.


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