Apple is developing earbuds with built-in cameras: What is it for

July 2, 2024  11:15

In 2026, Apple will launch wireless AirPods with built-in cameras. This was reported by the well-known insider and analyst from TF International Securities, Ming-Chi Kuo, on his blog on Medium

According to his latest report, the new AirPods will be equipped with infrared cameras similar to those used in the Face ID function for iPhone and iPad. The company's goal is to integrate the earbuds with the augmented reality headset Vision Pro and its subsequent versions.

Among the advantages of the new technology is the improvement of spatial sound quality. If users with AirPods turns their head while watching a video on Vision Pro, the sound source in a specific direction will be highlighted to enhance spatial sound quality and provide a more realistic representation of the virtual environment.

The IR camera on the AirPods will allow for the detection of changes in the surrounding environment, potentially enabling gesture control in space to improve human-device interaction. The supplier of components for the IR camera will be Foxconn, capable of producing about 18-20 million modules per year, which will allow equipping about 10 million pairs of AirPods with them.

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