What to do if you drop your smartphone into water?

June 28, 2024  18:24

A rainy summer, fishing trips, seaside vacations, and other activities near water bodies can lead to unexpected problems for smartphone owners. Natalia Golitsyna, head of the telephony department of the MTS retail network, shared tips on how to save your device if it gets wet.

"If your smartphone ends up in water, you need to act immediately. First, turn off the device and do not try to turn it on to avoid a short circuit. Then, remove excess water from the surface with a soft cloth or paper towel," said Golitsyna.

If your phone model allows you to remove the battery, do so as soon as possible. It is also recommended to take out the SIM card. These components should be dried separately.

Do not use a hairdryer or other heating devices to speed up the drying process, as this can damage the electronics inside the smartphone. It is also not recommended to leave the phone under direct sunlight. High temperatures can harm the device and cause more damage than the moisture.

"After the smartphone appears dry, leave it for several hours or even a day to ensure it is completely dry. Then you can try to turn it on and check its functionality," the expert added.

If the smartphone does not turn on or works inconsistently after these steps, it is recommended to contact professional service center specialists who can perform a more thorough analysis and repair the device. It is important to remember that the faster you take action to dry your smartphone, the higher the chances of saving it and preserving its functionality.

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