What problems can arise with phone charging and how to solve them?

June 27, 2024  16:15

The most common reason for a smartphone not charging properly is a faulty power supply or cable. Natalya Golitsina, head of the telephone department of the MTS retail network, told Gazeta.ru about these and other common problems related to phone charging, as well as their solutions.

“To test the charger [defective] hypothesis, connect your smartphone to a different power source. If that doesn't help, try connecting your smartphone to your computer or laptop via a USB connector. It is recommended to use only original production wires," Golitsina said.

According to him, clogging of the charging connector due to dust can also lead to charging problems. In this case, you should carefully clean the connector with a soft brush and avoid the penetration of moisture into the inner part of the connector.

“Sometimes smartphones stop charging due to software bugs or glitches. Update your smartphone software to the latest version and perform a factory reset. At the same time, don't forget to copy your data," Golitsina added.

The smartphone may not charge due to battery failure. To check this option, you need to restart the device and check the battery status in the settings. If the battery is worn or damaged, it should be replaced with a new one.

During the hot season, phones can suffer from temperature changes, which can also lead to charging problems. In this case, you should allow the smartphone to cool down a little in the shade or in your pocket. Then you can easily charge it.

If all the above methods do not help, then your smartphone may have a serious problem with internal components such as the charging connector or power regulator. In this case, it is recommended to contact a professional service center for diagnosis and repair.

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