You won't manage even to blink: Mitsubishi robot sets new speed record of solving Rubik's cube

May 29, 2024  10:15

The robot developed by the Japanese company Mitsubishi Electric has set a new world record for the speed of completing the famous puzzle, the Rubik's cube. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the robot solved the puzzle in just 0.305 seconds, surpassing the previous record by 0.075 seconds, reports The Independent.

During the competition held in California in June last year, Max Park, an American of Korean origin, solved the cube in 3.13 seconds. And Mitsubishi Electric's new robot actually completed this task in just 0.305 seconds, about the time it takes a human to blink.

According to the developers, this result was achieved due to the use of compact and powerful servo motors. They allow the robot to rotate the cube 90 degrees in just 0.009 seconds. However, the physical capabilities of the cube itself limit the further improvement of this indicator, because at high speeds the elements of the cube jam and break.

According to the company's senior manager Yuji Yoshimura, the main goal was to demonstrate Mitsubishi's technological capabilities by creating high-speed, high-precision electric motors used in many of the company's products.

In recent years, robotics has made a huge leap in its development. Back in 2009, the shortest time a robot could solve a Rubik's Cube was one minute and 4 seconds. And now, just 10 years later, the robot can solve this puzzle 200 times faster.

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