Unique robot that can climb rocks: In what areas can it be used?

May 27, 2024  22:42

Researchers from the Robomechanics Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States have unveiled a unique four-legged climbing robot called LORIS, which stands for Lightweight Observation Robot for Irregular Slopes.

According to New Atlas, LORIS stands out from its peers thanks to its four legs with microspin grips. They consist of many small, sharp hooks that can hook into small depressions on surfaces, allowing the robot to successfully navigate rough surfaces such as brick or stone walls, making it more versatile than robots that use vacuum grippers, which are only effective on smooth surfaces.

Unlike other robots that use a passive gripper that relies on the weight of the device, LORIS uses an active gripper with electric drives. This means that the grip hooks actively sink into the surface, providing a secure grip in any direction. This approach allows LORIS to implement different strategies for lifting and overcoming obstacles.

Each robot leg is equipped with a branched microspinal gripper, which consists of two groups of spikes located at right angles to each other. These grips are connected to the legs using a passive wrist joint, allowing them to float freely in the air and actively respond to leg movements. This design also significantly reduces the robot's weight, increasing its efficiency and maneuverability.

LORIS, according to experts, is a revolutionary invention in the field of robotics with a wide range of possible applications. It can be used for:

Monitoring of construction works; Conducting search and rescue operations; Research of hard-to-reach areas.

The development of LORIS opens up new horizons in the use of robots to perform complex and dangerous tasks.

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