7 buildings that look like they were built by aliens

May 24, 2024  18:38

The modern world is full of architectural wonders that push the boundaries of design and excite the imagination. The NEWS.am Tech editors have collected photographs of unusual buildings that look like they were built by aliens.

The Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria

Kunsthaus Graz is a modern art museum designed by architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier. The building received the nickname “Friendly Alien” for a reason - there really is something unusual and alien about it. It resembles a biomorphic drop that has landed in the center of the city. The unusually smooth surface is covered with blue acrylic panels, the shape and vibrant color make the building a truly outstanding example of modern architecture.

The Guangzhou Opera House, Guangzhou, China

This opera house was designed by famous architect Zaha Hadid. The building has a smooth, pebble-like shape and soft curves, clad in white and gray granite with glass accents, and overall looks like an alien base.

The National Library of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

This colossal library, designed by Mikhail Victorson, resembles a giant diamond growing out of an artificial lake. Geometric shapes and a reflective glass facade create a sense of grandeur and mystery.

The Galaxy SOHO, Beijing, China

This office complex, designed by MAD Architects, consists of three buildings that appear to be intertwined. Unusual shapes, reflective glass façade and overall composition create a truly futuristic and alien architectural ensemble.

The Eden Project, Cornwall, England

The Eden Project is a series of interconnected bio-domes designed by Nicholas Grimshaw and partners, growing a variety of plants from around the world. The enormous size and design of the geodesic dome evokes associations with an alien habitat.

The Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest), Beijing, China

Designed by PTW Architects and Herzog & de Meuron, this Olympic stadium features a steel beam lattice structure that resembles either a bird's nest or a futuristic starship.

The CCTV Headquarters (China Central Television Headquarters), Beijing, China

The building, designed by Rem Koolhaas and OMA, looks like a giant loop. The façade is clad in glass and steel, distorting the Beijing skyline. The interplay of light and reflection creates a dynamic and almost alien-like structure.

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