Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was hospitalized. according to the media, he suffered a stroke

November 9, 2023  15:00

Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of the American corporation Apple, was hospitalized in Mexico City, where he was to speak at a business forum, El Sol De Mexico and TMZ report.

According to El Sol De Mexico, Wozniak was diagnosed with cerebral blood flow disorder, and his participation in the forum was canceled due to medical reasons.

TMZ writes with reference to sources that the businessman complained of dizziness. The manifested symptoms worried his wife, and the woman insisted on hospitalization of her husband.

Sources told TMZ that Wozniak is in the emergency department of the Mexico City hospital and is being examined.

According to TMZ, several people from Wozniak's team flew for him from the USA on a private plane to bring him back for treatment if necessary.

TV channel ForoTV, El Pais, El Tempo and El Financiero write that Wozniak suffered a stroke. An MRI was performed on the entrepreneur, his condition is assessed as stable, reports El Tempo.

Wozniak is 73 years old. He founded Apple together with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne in 1976. In 1981, Wozniak got into a plane crash and stopped participating in the management of the corporation. Later he worked as an engineer and scientist, cooperating with a number of companies and non-commercial associations.

As of 2020, he continued to be an Apple employee and receive a salary ($50 per week). As Wozniak himself explained, the only person who could fire him under the contract was Steve Jobs, who died in 2011.

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