500 million units։ Russia sees massive data leak

February 23, 2024  18:03

A large-scale leak of personal data took place in Russia. In one case alone, 500 million units of data were leaked this year. Deputy head of Roskomnadzor Milosh Wagner told the Russian TASS agency that the incident is being investigated.

Wagner also reported that since the beginning of 2024, in total, about 510 million units of data have been leaked. "There was a total leakage of 510 million, of which 500 was in one leakage case. We are investigating it now," Wagner said.

According to him, the cases of data leaks have increased sharply this year, while the volume of such leaks has decreased compared to 2023 and 2022. Since the beginning of 2024, Roskomnadzor has registered 19 cases of leakage of personal data. And in 2023, their total number was 68 cases of leaking personal data, although only about 300 million units of data about Russians were leaked to the network. In 2022, the leakage volume was higher, amounting to 600 million units, while 140 leakages were recorded.

According to the InfoWatch Analytical Center (EAC), 170.3 million pieces of customer personal data (excluding payment data) were leaked from Russian financial organizations in 2023, which is 3.2 times more than in 2022, and compared to 2021 that index increased almost 57 times.

In total, there were 64 cases of leakage of personal data of customers in Russian financial organizations, which is 12.3% higher than in 2022 and almost twice as much as in 2021. About half of the outflows, 46.9%, took place in banks.

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