Which version of Android is most popular in world today?

November 3, 2023  22:24

As of October 2023, Android 13 has emerged as the most widely used version of Google's operating system, capturing 22.4% of the total user base for this mobile platform. The statistics from Android Studio revealed that Android 11 holds the second position with a share of 21.6%, while Android 10 follows closely behind in third place, installed on 16.1% of devices.

Android 12 and Android 9 Pie secured the fourth and fifth spots, with respective shares of 15.8% and 10.5%. Older versions of Android such as Android 8 Oreo, Android 7 Nougat, Android 6 Marshmallow, and Android 5 Lollipop accounted for 7.3%, 2.6%, 1.9%, and 1.4% of the user base, respectively. The report noted that Android 4.4 KitKat held a share of less than 1%, making it the oldest version mentioned in the data.

The report did not encompass the latest iteration of Google's mobile operating system, Android 14, as it was released subsequent to the collection of these statistics. Android 14 was officially announced on October 4, 2023, alongside the introduction of the new Google Pixel 8 smartphones. The current usage statistics for Android 14 are expected to be disclosed at a later date.

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