Microsoft Designer: new AI tool creates images by text description

October 13, 2022  12:25

Microsoft's new Designer app can create images by text description. All you have to do is describe in words what you want to see, and the DALL-E neural network will try to translate the words into images.

The new application is part of Microsoft 365 service, but it will also be available to Microsoft Edge browser users. Thus, users will be able to create original images for social networks right in the browser and will not need to use any additional software. It will be possible to create images with the help of the Image Creator tool in the Bing search engine, as it works on the basis of the same neural network as Designer.

Another innovation from the company is the Microsoft Create website, where you can create graphic images, videos and other digital content using ready-made templates and a number of other tools.

A couple of months ago, Meta also introduced an AI that can generate images based on text. The project was called Make-a-Scene, and it was soon followed by a new project called Make-A-Video with even more advanced artificial intelligence, allowing people to turn text descriptions into short video clips.


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