iPhone sales may be banned in the EU։ What is the reason?

May 6, 2023  11:23

The representative of the European Commission, Thierry Breton, has warned Apple that if the company limits the charging speed and other functionality of uncertified USB-C cables, the sale of the iPhone in the EU will be banned, MacRumors reports.

According to reports, in 2023, Apple will introduce the iPhone 15, which, among other things, will differ from previous generations of smartphones by having a USB-C connector instead of Lightning. Apple is likely to make this change so that the company's devices are fully compliant with new EU legislation that will come into effect in October 2024.

In order to maintain profits from accessory sales, Apple is reportedly releasing USB-C certified cables. In the case of uncertified cables, the data transfer speed and the power of the transmitted electricity may be limited, which will mainly affect the charging speed of smartphones.

The representative of the European Commission, Thierry Breton, sent a letter to Apple, in which he warned the company that if it limits the functionality of uncertified devices, the sale of new iPhones will be banned. True, this ban will come into force only after the new legislation enters into force, that is, at the end of 2024.

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