Brazilian surgeon performs operation by using Apple Vision Pro

18:11    22 April, 2024

Brazilian surgeon Bruno Gobbato used the Apple Vision Pro mixed reality device during a shoulder arthroscopy. The surgeon told the MacMagazine website about his experience.

According to Gobbato, Vision Pro enabled him to follow the action on a virtual screen comparable in size to a movie theater. Moreover, he specially emphasized the high quality of the image and the possibility to see virtual and real objects at the same time.

“Shoulder arthroscopy uses a camera inside the joint and surgeons perform the surgery while looking directly at the screen. With this device, I could see a high-definition, cinema-screen-sized image, as well as see the patient's exam results and 3D models in real time,” Gobbato said.

In addition, the doctor said that he was impressed by the dynamic range of the device's cameras, which allows maintaining the clarity of the image even in the conditions of bright lighting used during surgery.

The Vision Pro was released in early 2024, with prices starting at $3,500. Many customers have returned Vision Pro after some time of use citing various reasons. Some have complained about its large size and weight, which makes it inconvenient to use the device. Some buyers even got a headache because of it. Others complained that it did not live up to their expectations of improving their productivity at work, as the Vision Pro was difficult to use for long periods.

Other users have complained about the narrow field of view and reflections of the Apple Vision Pro cameras, which have caused eyestrain and even temporary vision problems for some.

A separate category of complaints concerns mental discomfort when using Vision Pro; as it turned out, some people began to worry about being isolated from their surroundings and loved ones.

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