Scientists find 'impossible' exoplanet: Its existence contradicts all existing theories

13:50    28 February, 2023

Scientists have found an "impossible" exoplanet, the existence of which contradicts all current theories. According to an article published in the prestigious astronomical journal The Astronomical Journal, exoplanet TOI-5205b is a gas giant the size of Jupiter. However, it revolves around a red dwarf with a mass and size much smaller than our Sun. According to scientists, such an exoplanet simply could not form under such conditions.

According to, the star TOI-5205b around which exopiter TOI-5205b rotates is a red dwarf of spectral type M4; it has a mass of 0.392 solar mass and a radius of 0.394 solar radius. The dimensions of the exoplanet TOI-5205b, however, are close to the size of Jupiter. The mass of TOI-5205b is 1.08 masses of Jupiter and its radius is 1.03 times the radius of Jupiter. The orbital period of rotation of the exoplanet around the star is 1.63 Earth days.

According to scientists, the Sun – a large enough mass of the star, so it may well have gathered around a protoplanetary disk of sufficient volume to form in it as usual planets and gas giants. The star TOI-5205, according to all modern theories, was not capable of a sufficient concentration of mass in the protoplanetary cloud for it to form a gas giant like TOI-5205b.

Exoplanet TOI-5205b was discovered by astronomers from the Carnegie Institution using the TESS space observatory. Initially it was found in the process of passing through the disk of the star, but later observations with other tools have clarified the parameters of the planet.

According to scientists, it will be possible to observe it with the help of James Webb: the planet is large enough and is only 280 light years away, so that this telescope will be able to observe it and study the chemical composition of its atmosphere.

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