Young woman partially lost hearing after often sleeping with headphones on

12:09    12 March, 2024

A young Chinese woman had to use a hearing aid after falling asleep for two consecutive years with headphones playing music. Oddity Central reports this incident.

While the age and name of the affected individual are not disclosed, Oddity Central refers to her as a "young woman" and mentions that she resides in Shandong. The woman sought medical help after realizing that she had difficulty understanding her boss's speech one day.

Examinations revealed irreversible neurological damage in her left ear. Initially, doctors speculated that she might have suffered an ear injury or been exposed to a loud sound source for an extended period. However, it later emerged that the hearing damage occurred because, during her college years, the Chinese woman developed a habit of falling asleep with headphones playing music.

"When I was in college, I enjoyed falling asleep to music. Over time, it became a habit. For the past two years, I've been sleeping with headphones every night," the patient told the doctor.

Although the music she listened to at night was not loud, the intensive use still caused harm to her ear. Fortunately, as Oddity Central reports, the damage was relatively mild, and the hearing loss could be compensated for with a hearing aid.

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