What to do if your phone is stolen? 5 useful tips

13:48    11 March, 2024

What to do if your smartphone is stolen? Specialists of the Russian Quality System (Роскачество) offer several recommendations for such a scenario, which will help to avoid damages as much as possible.

The initial step when losing a smartphone is to visit a mobile service center or call the operator from another phone. Ask the company's staff to promptly block the SIM card. This way, the victim will cut off the perpetrator's access to banking applications and other services, such as messengers, where authentication is linked to the phone number.

Next, contact the bank and request the blocking of your cards. This ensures that criminals cannot do anything with the victim's money.

The next step involves remote locking of the device, which is possible when logged into Google or iCloud from a computer.

It is also advisable to change passwords for email and social media accounts to prevent perpetrators from exploiting them while the old session is still active. These sessions can be forcibly terminated by logging in from another device.

As a final step, according to Roskachestvo, it is recommended to report the incident to the police. To increase the chances of detection and recovery of the phone, providing law enforcement with the IMEI of the stolen device is suggested.

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