YouTube will permanently disable one of its popular features

22:05    26 May, 2023

YouTube has announced that it is ending support for short Stories videos. Starting from June 26, users will no longer be able to post new videos, and posts in the Stories section will disappear seven days after the date of publication, reports The Verge.

Stories launched in 2017 under the name Reels, a short video feature available to users with an audience of more than 10,000. The author of the content could publish a small video about filming or his life, share it with subscribers, and after a while these videos would disappear without the possibility of recovery.

However, Stories did not gain widespread popularity among bloggers. Even YouTube itself didn't pay enough attention to its promotion. After Stories is disabled, content creators can engage with their followers with short videos in the Community tab, as well as through the Shorts format. Tech reported earlier that Google is launching a new advertising format, within the framework of which from now on, 30-second advertising videos will be shown to users of the YouTube application on smart TVs, without the possibility of skipping them. In addition, 30-second ads will be shown in two instead of 15-second clips that follow each other.

Earlier, YouTube announced that it will not allow watching videos if the user's browser has an ad-blocking program, such as AdBlock, installed. If such blocking is detected, the service will not allow you to watch the video and will inform you that the use of such technologies is not allowed.

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