A speaking competitor of ChatGPT: Google’s AI tool will make it possible to "interact" with the search engine like a real conversation

14:25    7 April, 2023

Google plans to introduce an artificial intelligence (AI) function into its search engine, which, unlike similar tools from other companies, will speak. This was announced by Sundar Pichai, the executive director of the corporation. It is expected that this will help the company to compete with the ChatGPT chat-bot, as well as solve a number of other problems in the business.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, after the launch of this function, users will be able to literally communicate with the search engine, asking it questions and receiving answers from the AI. Google is also testing a system that will allow the computer to ask clarifying questions after receiving the first answers to the initial question.

The head of Google has not yet specified the dates of introduction of these innovations.

It is not yet known what voice search engine will have and what dialects it will be able to understand.

In the interview, Pichai also mentioned that Google will continue to improve the Bard chat-bot presented in February of this year. The company is also working on a new similar technology to compete with Microsoft.

Google has been testing new AI features in Gmail and other products recently. However, Microsoft does not lag behind either. Recently, the web version of the Edge browser launched Bing Image Creator, a tool for creating images based on text descriptions.

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