4 technologies that will be actively used in construction industry in future

12:19    28 March, 2023

Today, modern technologies are already changing the construction industry a lot, and their influence in this domain will become even more noticeable in the not-too-distant future.

We present below some of these technologies.

1) Drones

Drones can film the terrain faster and more accurately than any crew on the ground. Additionally, drone footage is cheaper than aerial footage. That is why drones are increasingly being used in the construction industry, and their role in this domain will continue to grow in the future.

Interactive 3D or topographical maps and models can be created, as well as volumetric measurements cane be taken, using data obtained by drone cameras. In addition, drones can be used to safely inspect hard-to-reach places such as bridges. Drones can also be used to monitor work progress and oversee workers on a construction site.

2) Virtual reality

Virtual reality technology can help to better understand complex projects. One can, for example, create a building model using BIM (Building Information Modeling) and then "walk" through it using virtual reality.

With such a “walk-through,” both the construction crew and the client will have a better idea of what the project will look like when it's finished. Moreover, most of the necessary changes in the project can be made at this stage, and not during its implementation.

3) Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring a lot to construction projects. It can help increase safety levels, improve many work processes, and help you get your work done faster and better.

Some major construction companies have recently started creating their own AI-based software and apps that can help with internal decision-making processes and various functions. In the future, such—self-produced or ready-made—programs will be used more often.

4) 3D printing

3D printing can be used to directly produce some parts and materials needed at the construction site, saving on shipping and storage costs.

Granted, printing something in large quantities is still problematic. Of course, there are 3D printers that can print on a large scale, but they are very expensive, and their use in construction is not fully justified—albeit the situation may change in the future.

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