How to get career in IT and where to start?

May 29, 2024  15:52

Getting a degree and starting a career in Information Technology (IT) can be an exciting journey that can help you eventually find a well-paying job. However, for this it is necessary to do everything in an organized and competent manner. Here are some tips that can be useful in this matter.

Study the field

The IT industry offers a variety of careers, including positions such as systems administrator, network engineer, software developer, and DevOps specialist, among others. It's important to research these roles beforehand to understand which one matches your skills, interests and career goals.

Create a shortlist

After the initial research, you need to create a short list of possible jobs. Consider the qualifications required for each role you choose. General trends in job postings should be noted. For example, if the position requires experience with a specific programming language, you should consider learning that language to prepare for the role.

Learn to code

One can start by learning web programming languages ​​such as HTML, which are used in various areas of IT. Additionally, HTML can be learned on your own, as there are many free courses available online. Of course, other languages ​​can be learned after HTML, such as JavaScript, Java, C++, Python, Ruby, etc., but it will be ineffective to learn so many languages, because first you need to understand what profession you want to get and according to that it will be clear what languages ​​knowledge is needed for this.

Formal education

Formal education, such as a degree in computer science or related fields, should also be considered. Online courses, certifications, and bootcamps are also valuable options. It is also necessary to learn from experienced people in this field and acquire practical skills, thereby increasing the probability of finding a job.

Work on open source projects

Experience in creating or participating in open source projects is desirable. Sharing your knowledge with others helps build your technical skills. Include open source projects in your resume and work portfolio to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

Get certificates

Certificates validate your experience, and thanks to them you can stand out in the labor market and attract the attention of a potential employer. Research certifications that match your chosen career, as they are many and varied.

Network within the industry

Attend conferences, seminars, and meetings to network with IT professionals. These contacts are very valuable because they are a good opportunity to gain a better understanding of the field, get useful advice and eventually find a good job.

Freelance for experience

Also consider freelance work or internship options to gain hands-on experience. Freelancing gives you the opportunity to work on real projects and build your portfolio. Collaborate with clients and learn how to effectively manage projects.

And finally, it's worth remembering that the IT industry is very dynamic, so continuous learning and adaptation are important for this industry.

Sources: Codecademy․com,,,

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